When I saw the topic this Friday morning, I almost winced. You see, I AM IN BETWEEN. I live in between, with just an eye on the yesterday, driven toward tomorrow and more often than I wish, right in between them both. And missing so much of what is in front of me.
But life is now, right here in between and I am missing it.
I am missing it because of my desire for what isn't.
Maybe I need to accept the great IN BETWEEN as the greater WHAT IS REAL. The fields around us in this house that isn't mine are real. My real kids play in those fields and I can go with them.
The future I imagine isn't real. It can change or never even happen. I can participate in it when I get there but I can't control it.
This life IN BETWEEN is real right now and begging to be lived.
The pool down the street in between the park and the cute green house is real and begging for wild, splashing kids right now.
Other posts about living life right where it is...
What I learned in June for Chatting at the Sky
Unplugged...Living a Real Life
The Truth, and I Saw It Right There In Sunday School