You have someone you admire, right?
Where my life is right now, I don’t spend much time around
other adults. I spend every waking
moment with people, but the oldest is nine. This does not sharpen my iron, if you know what I mean.
For Michelle,
I want to be like you in your
transparency. There is no guile or
misleading in you and though you are reserved, you let people see you. This gives me great courage for myself,
courage to let others see me, my heart, my dreams, and my struggles. Most of all when you hosted that group of
moms, you were transparent to us, and in your transparency, I saw a friend, a
friend that I very much needed. Your
very transparency showed me that I was not alone. I hope one day I can be like you…
For Kristi,
Oh girl, how you
persevere. The events in your life would
fill a trilogy of books and I don’t even know if anyone would believe they all
happened to one person. Well, perhaps
Job would believe. And like Job, you
lifted your eyes upward, you blessed and looked for blessings and sister, you
found them where a less faithful woman would have found only questions and
pain. By surrendering so much, you found
even more. And one other thing, how did
you face such trials and still look outside at the rest of us, care for the
rest of us, give to the rest of us? So
many times I sat by your side whining and you listened, and you cared and you
gave. Oh girl, I wanna be like you…
For Sharilee,
I wish I had your
gentleness. You are so gentle of voice
and touch, reserved and yet when you laugh, you fill the air around you with
joy. I have heard you fuss a kid out,
making your point and wielding your authority as a mom, while using tones
appropriate for a library. Even more
imprinted on my mind is your devotion.
You have done so much for your kids and family, always thinking of those
around you and making them know your devotion to them. Even when we were in grade school, you talked
and lived family. As a side note, you
are the kind of girl I hope my daughter grows up to be…completely beautiful and
feminine but able to hit really hard when you have to…I wish I were more like
This is for you, Laura.
You set a great example, very powerful and
far reaching, when you sat in your office and said (way before Nike) that when
there was something to do, just do it.
And you lived it. Time to get a
project done, just do it. Got a long
drive, just do it. Need to get your car
fixed? Clean the cat box? Buy a house? Just do it. I think of this almost daily and I don’t even
think you would remember it. As for me,
can’t get pregnant without going through hell?
Just do it. Have to move
again? Just do it. Another toilet to clean? Just do it.
You inspire me to quit making excuses and just do what needs to be done
with grace and intelligence. Elle, I
have always wanted to be like you.
Kirsten, this is for you.
I believe that you are completely without
selfishness. Never seen anything quite
like you. I have heard people say that
so and so would give the shirt off their back but I think you would really do
it and then throw in everything else in your closet. And you pay attention to people around you so
that you can give them, not just a shirt, but the kind of shirt they would like
most. It seems to me that you are always
on the lookout for a way that you can give to someone. And it isn’t just stuff, but you give YOU. Your time and energy, all given just because
someone asks and you give it cheerfully.
I miss our walks and hope to grow up to be more like you…
For you Tamara,
I love the air of
peace that surrounds you. Now this is
going to be hard to explain but here goes.
You, your home, your children, your hospitality…it is all filled with peace. I don’t mean that it isn’t wild, how could a
home with a school and all those kids and kitties and driving not be wild. But YOU, are peaceful. When you had all of us over for an evening of
talk and comfort and food, you made a place of peace. No worries, obligations, shoulds or
oughts. A place where we could just be
and as your kids came and went, there was peace, an absence of strife or
angst. As I grew to know you that seemed
to be how you approached challenges that would make my heart race…with
peace. If trials entered your life, you
prayed and moved ahead, with peace.
Tamara, I hope to be like you, a peacemaker…maker of peace.
I am writing this because I
hope you know that when I think of you, I always think of, well…good. Though we live far away, we made lots of
memories together and when I think back, I am struck by how much good you
did. You chose to do good things, not
because of what you could gain, prestige, popularity, materials for college
applications, but because those things were good. While I was trying to figure out who I was
and what I wanted to do, you did good to those around you. You invited friendship with a new girl for no
reason that I can imagine except that your heart is so good. While I struggled with right and wrong, you
just did the right, kind, grown up things without judging me. One day Kathy, I hope to have a heart as good
as you do…
This is for you Sandy,
because you
inspire focus and excellence and pursuit of your dreams. I am so glad we were roommates in college. You inspired me to diligence and to be more
than just good enough but to strive for excellence. And then there is the pursuit of your
dreams. How often I have labored under
the obligation to do what I thought I should do but neglected my dreams and
gifts. And then you come along and start
your own Pilates studio, making your dream a reality powered by gifts that I
well know you possessed when we were in college. Thank you Sandy, your example of focus,
excellence and pursuit of your dreams fuels the genesis of one of my own…and so
I write because I want to be like you, realizing a dream.
These things I have written, I
don’t even know if my friends know this is how I feel. These things, they are simple and short but
don’t you think these beautiful women ought to know this is what others see in
them? Don’t you think they ought to know
how they mold me, sharpen me? I bet
these little things I wrote today would fit on a postcard or in an email. Let’s do it, let’s transparently and gently
do something good and give to our friends, maybe a moment of excellent peace by
writing or calling and simply say…I wanna be like you.
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